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How To Make Noisy Sticks

Noisy Sticks can be made in several different ways. You can use a dowel rod or find a stick yourself from a tree. It should be 12 to 18 inches long and have some type of bells.

One design is to drill 2 small holes through the rod near the end at right angles to each other. Take about 12-16" of twine or strong string and thread a piece through each hole. Place about 12-20 beads on one end of the string and then add a jingle bell to the end of the cord.

Take the slack out of the string and add the same number of beads to the other end of the string. Attach another jingle bell to the end of the stick after taking out any slack in the line. Cut off any excess cord. Repeat the above for the other hole. You may wish to place some glue on all of the knots to keep them tight.

The sticks can then be decorated with the name of its owner, tribe name and any other colors and symbols.

Another way would be to tie a cord to one end of the stick. Wrap it around a few times, then add a bell. Take another wrap or two and keep adding bells till the end of the stick is covered in bells. Again, you will want to decorate it and put your name and tribe name on the stick.