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About Snow Snakes

That's right everyone. At the winter overnight, we're going to hold our annual great snow snake toss contest. It's actually based upon an old Indian game. Now you get to experience the thrill, the excitement, the freezing cold that comes with the fun!

The rules are simple. Each Guide and Princess, along with their Dad, should build a "snake" according to the directions included. Decorate it as you see fit. Most important, make it as smooth and slippery as possible.

On the Saturday afternoon of each winter overnight weekend, we'll all head over to the tennis courts area at George Williams College. We'll smooth out a few lanes and have each guide and princess toss their snake as far as they can. The snake that goes the farthest wins.

We'll also have judging afterwards, in "The Dugout" area below the dining wall. Awards will be given to snakes in the following categories: Best Carved, Most Poisonous, Most Indian-Like, Funniest, Most Imaginative, Most Original, Most Colorful, Most Life-Like, Fanciest.

How To Make A Snow Snake


Wooden dowel or similar piece of wood. You might even find a branch in the woods that already looks like a snake. Keep in mind that you'll be trying to slide the snake, like a ski, over the snow. Paint, coat with varnish, wax, etc. Decorate as you see fit. Be creative or functional. Be sure to put your name and tribe name on your snake. Remember, there are awards for all kinds of snakes. Have fun making this together.


Length: 3 feet minimum to 4 foot maximum
Width: 3 inches maximum
Height: Optional
Weight: No restrictions

Note: A 2" x 2" board or 1 3/4 inch diameter dowel works well.